There is something about nice output that makes you feel good inside. Like the guarantee written on the outside of a box, green characters are reassuring.
There is a great turn gem – Test::Unit Reporter (New). As the readme notes, if you also install the facets gem turn will produce colored output.
sudo gem install facets
sudo gem install turn
You can check out the turn repo here:
Since we’re running rails tests you want to add the folowing line to test/test_helper.rb to require turn.
begin; require 'turn'; rescue LoadError; end
While turn is great by default I kind of like a little more color to help distinguish meaning quickly. For example you can dig into the gem and add a line to TestRunner.t_test_started in lib/turn.rb:
file = COLORIZE ? ::ANSICode.yellow(file) : file
Test::Unit::UI::Console::TestRunner likes to ramble about which suite it is loading at various times. So in the same file as above, lib/turn.rb you can redefine setup_mediator to not display superfluous output. Just add:
def setup_mediator
@mediator = create_mediator(@suite)
suite_name = @suite.to_s
if ( @suite.kind_of?(Module) )
suite_name =
output("\n")#put some undetermined formatting preference here.
In your rails directory, whether it be in a gem or vendor, you’ll want to make a slight change to /lib/tasks/testing.rake. If you’re using vim, you might use :%s/t.verbose = true/t.verbose = false/g to replace true with false when setting Rake::TestTask.verbose.