If you want to bake an apple pie from scratch

October 1 2009 - Los Angeles

Before you can develop a rails app you must first invent your development environment. And it goes without saying that our development environment must be morally pure.

Just the other day the battery charger to my ibook was emitting sparks. I realized just how far the insanity had infiltrated my life when the apple store informed me that I would need to dish out nearly 100 bucks for a replacement charger. If I had 100 bucks I wouldn’t own a laptop which sparks when you plug it in, and I certainly could not afford a Textmate license.

Fortunately there’s vim. With a few plugins you can have an excellent setup for developing rails applications on the operating system of your choice without using expensive software.

A Screenshot
"A showcase."

1. Install vim

If you are using aptitude look for packages like vim-ruby or vim-gtk. When I compiled the vim 7.2 source on my machine the configure script and makefile automatically included ruby support. Once you have installed vim you can test whether ruby support is installed with:

:echo has('ruby') // returns 1 or 0

2. Install NERDTree Plugin All of these plugings have installation instructions and usage documentation on their sites. Essentially you extract some archives in your $HOME/.vim directory.


3. Install vim.rails


4. Install Ruby Complete

Ruby Complete

5. Install Supertab


>ls -R $HOME/.vim


desert256.vim  vividchalk.vim

NERD_tree.txt  rails.txt  tags

exec_menuitem.vim  fs_menu.vim  git_menu.vim

NERD_tree.vim  rails.vim  rubycomplete.vim  supertab.vim

What your $HOME/.vim directory might look like.

6. Update Configuration

Once you have installed the plugins you might want to update a few settings make them more usable. The .vimrc file below:

set nocompatible
syntax on
filetype plugin indent on
nmap <c-t> :NERDTreeToggle<CR>
imap <c-t> <Esc>:NERDTreeToggle<CR>
set ignorecase
nnoremap <space> za
set hlsearch
set ts=2
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType = "<c-x><c-o>"