
plotting postgresql result sets

Source Code     Documentation


=# create table data (x int, y int);
=# insert into data values (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4);
=# select plot('select x, y from data');
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"....

Or plot directly in psql.

=# select plot('select x, y from data', 'set style data lines;');

     5 ++-----------+-----------+------------+-----------+------------+-----------+------------+--------****+
       +            +           +            +           +            +           +            +  ******   ++
   4.5 ++                                                                                   ******        +++
       |                                                                              ******               |+
     4 ++                                                                       ******                    +++
       |                                                                   *****                           |+
       |                                                              *****                                |+
   3.5 ++                                                        *****                                    +++
       |                                                    *****                                          |+
     3 ++                                             ******                                              +++
       |                                        ******                                                     |+
   2.5 ++                                 ******                                                          +++
       |                            ******                                                                 |+
     2 ++                     ******                                                                      +++
       |                 *****                                                                             |+
       |            *****                                                                                  |+
   1.5 ++      *****                                                                                      +++
       +  *****     +           +            +           +            +           +            +           ++
     1 ***----------+-----------+------------+-----------+------------+-----------+------------+----------+++
       1           1.5          2           2.5          3           3.5          4           4.5          5+
                                                         x                                                  +
(1 row)

Time Series

When first_column::timestamp. Example

Different result sets, different plots.

The characteristics of the result set will determine plot types. Documentation

Why plot in the database?

"That's where the data is." But really, no particular reason.

Plotpg was developed for an a custom charting facility in pgantenna.